Category: Magazine

Maritime specialists

The north-west of the republic is home to numerous shipyards with a global reputation. Civil and military shipbuilding form a symbiosis. The coastal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen are traditionally home to an efficient, future-orientated and globally active maritime industry. It is made up of shipyards, system providers, component manufacturers, facilities and technical and commercial service companies. Naval shipbuilding is particularly important. Maritime industry on the Weser The Fr. Lürssen shipyard, founded in 1875 and based in Bremen-Vegesack, is a world-class northern German shipbuilding company with 2,700 employees. In addition to the headquarters in Bremen-Lemwerder, it has sites in Bremen-Aumund and Berne as well as the subsidiaries Lürssen Kröger...


Full circle with a supertanker

After almost three decades, the Bundeswehr has returned to national and alliance defence. The necessary change can be mastered with system alliances. At the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the Bundeswehr - after 35 years of development - had achieved a good position in the conventional arms race with the Warsaw Pact and in comparison with the other NATO partners. As surprisingly as the Cold War ended, there was little certainty as to how the costly armed forces should continue. With the equipment and training for the large-scale, intensive war on the European continent, the Bundeswehr was deployed in a wide variety of different...


The reality of the submarine U96 - The "war correspondent"

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Review of the Maritime Convention 2021

Originally planned as a face-to-face event, this year's Maritime Convention participants were able to listen to the two-part presentation on China! Maritime driver for Europe?! via webinar. The DMI hosted the event together with griephan in his customary expert manner. The key question of the first panel "China is a littoral on the South China Sea?" was answered by the Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Germany, Mr Laurence Bay, in a reversal of the facts: Germany and the EU are littoral states on the South China Sea. He sees this not only in the presence of European merchant ships in this sea area and in the numerous branches of European companies in this region, more than 2,000 in Singapore alone...


What is the navy actually doing in Geneva?

Our southern neighbours also have a German naval officer - on a mission for understanding and peace. This question may seem surprising at first glance, as Switzerland is rather inland (sea) orientated in maritime terms. Although the length of its shores on Lake Constance and Lake Geneva alone is greater than the coastline of some neighbouring countries, this has not yet given rise to any need for the Swiss to deploy a navy. When people in Switzerland talk about a navy, they are referring to the numerous excursion steamers, some of them historic, that sail the many lakes. So the German defence attaché in Bern...
