Hanse Sail - Festival on the Warnow
German Navy with a full programme here too. From 11-13 August 2023, the gates at the Warnemünde naval base will open again for the Hanse Sail. The German Navy will be attracting visitors with a special highlight: the training sailing ship "Gorch Fock" will be there. But it will also be interesting internationally: on the one hand, the Indonesian Navy will be visiting Warnemünde with its sail training ship "Bima Suci". On the other hand, NATO's Standing Mine Defence Force 1 and the Danish home defence cutters "Lyra" and "Aldebaran" will also be guests. In addition, the corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" and the hollow-barrelled guided missile boat "Pegnitz" will be on public display. Visitors can look forward to the...
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