Category: Marines from all over the world

Oligarch yacht switches off

A $150 million superyacht owned by Leonid Mikhelson, Russia's second richest citizen whose gas company is the target of US sanctions, has stopped transmitting its location after it was last seen heading for the Bahamas. The 85-metre-long "Pacific", which has room for two helicopters, was last spotted at almost full speed in the Caribbean shortly after 9 pm local time on 8 May before, according to ship data compiled by Bloomberg, it stopped transmitting automatically and became invisible on the net, effectively "going down". This led to the rumour in some media that she had really sunk. Why would she? These are also unconfirmed reports. Should the...


Indian Ocean Commission supports African island states in the fight against maritime crime

The "Baba Ali", a Seychellois fishing vessel, was transiting through the Seychelles Economic Zone when the authorities intercepted it with a drug cargo in May 2021. As part of an operation coordinated by the Seychelles Air Force, the Seychelles Coast Guard and the National Information Exchange and Coordination Centre, the authorities boarded the vessel and inspected it. The finds - heroin and hashish worth around 1.2 million dollars - show the extent of the threat posed by the regional drug trade. The seizure of the drugs and the arrest of three other Seychellois nationals and four Indonesian nationals show that the efforts of the Coordination Centre are...


Significant decline in piracy in West Africa

.... but the Gulf of Guinea remains a global hotspot Piracy off the West African coast has fallen dramatically since 2021 - by almost half. But the region remains the world's piracy hotspot, according to Dryad Global. In its 2021/22 annual report, the maritime risk company notes that "the drastic decline in piracy across West Africa in 2021 resulted in a total decrease in piracy and maritime crime incidents of 56 % compared to 2020. The number of actual and attempted attacks, as well as ship strikes, decreased by more than 85 %...


US Küstenwache: Kreuzfahrtschiff befuhr Sicherheitszone Cape Canaveral

Auf der Suche nach spektakulären Ereignissen für die Passagiere oder dummes Versehen? Die US-Küstenwache hat das Eindringens eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes in eine ausgewiesene Sicherheitszone während eines Raketenstarts in der Nähe von Cape Canaveral im Januar untersucht. Der Startabbruch eines mehrere Millionen Dollar teuren Satellitenstarts war die Folge. Der abgebrochene Start für die italienische Raumfahrtbehörde wurde auf den nächsten Tag verschoben, wo er dann erfolgreich verlief.  Die US-Küstenwache weist Sicherheitszonen im unteren Bereich aus und warnt Seeleute vor bevorstehenden Starts von Cape Canaveral. Der Überflugweg jedes Raketenstarts über dem Atlantik bestimmt die Lage der einzelnen Zonen. Beim „Verkehrssünder“ handelte es sich...


Chinese reconnaissance ship off Western Australia

People "down under" don't like it when a reconnaissance vessel approaches the continent - and then flies the Chinese flag on top of it! This is what happened at the beginning of the month when the AGI survey vessel "Haiwangxing" of the Dongdiao class (Type 815A) was observed travelling up and down the west coast. Not in territorial waters, but still in the Exclusive Economic Zone - and not far (50 nautical miles) from the Harold E. Holt communications station just north of Exmouth / North West Cape, which serves the submarines of the Australian, American and other allied navies in particular. "Non-bridging" Chinese ships have recently been increasingly seen north of...
