Category: Marines from all over the world

Marinha Portuguesa can't save a Porsche

Addendum from 26.02.2022 The fire on board the "Felicity Ace" has been considered extinguished since midday on 25 February. With 4,000 cars, mainly from the VW Group, as cargo with a value of around 400 million euros (i.e. almost half a billion euros!), insurers are now calling for decisive investment in the mandatory installation of automatic extinguishing systems based on high-pressure water mist on board ships of this size - less damage to the cargo, no impairment of the stability of the transport platform! Salvage experts have boarded the ship for the first time to be able to tow the drifting, 200 metre long vessel to a safe harbour for inspection. Also...


News from the Polish "Miecznik" frigate

With the "Miecznik" (Swordfish) frigate programme, the Polish Navy aims to expand its maritime capabilities in the long term with three newbuilds. The construction phase is scheduled to begin in 2023 at two national shipyards and the units are to be delivered between 2028 and 2034. The "Miecznik" programme is part of a EUR 115 billion investment plan over 12 years. From the bids submitted last autumn, the designs of the British "Arrowhead 140" (Babcock) and the German "MEKO-A300" (tkMS) have now been selected as meeting the requirements to the greatest extent. In addition to the capability parameters and the usability of existing national systems/devices, technology transfer, lifetime costs and modernisation potential were also taken into account. The selected da...


Russian naval activities - not only in the Black Sea

With its increased naval presence in the Black Sea, Russia now almost completely surrounds Ukraine, including the previously existing gap in the south. What do these increased naval movements mean? Are they related to the Ukraine crisis? To get a picture of the situation, it is worth taking a look at announcements made by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, for example via the Internet and Twitter. Moscow's global naval ballet The Russian news agency Tass reported on 20 January, citing the Moscow Ministry of Defence, that the Russian Navy will conduct a series of naval exercises in all 'areas of responsibility of the fleets' in January and February. The exercises are in connection with the training plan...


30th SMM from 06 to 09 September in Hamburg - Update

The most innovative SMM of all time: Digital transformation, climate change and the maritime energy transition demand ground-breaking, realisable solutions - at the 30th SMM, they will be in the spotlight. With an expanded spectrum of themed areas and additional presentation formats, the leading international trade fair for the maritime industry will accompany the transformation at close quarters. On 6 - 9 September 2022, trade visitors from all over the world will once again have the opportunity to meet live in the exhibition areas of the exhibition grounds and at the top-class specialist conferences. This is where the leading minds from all maritime sectors traditionally come together to meet in person and present innovative ideas and solutions that will shape the future of...
