Category: News

Better protection for the harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea

EU regulation to reduce by-catches in marine protected areas A new EU regulation to better protect harbour porpoises came into force at the end of February. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the harbour porpoise population in the central Baltic Sea is threatened with extinction and comprises fewer than 500 animals. The new regulation bans gillnet fishing in German marine protected areas for three months of the year, which is when harbour porpoises are most abundant. The aim of the regulation is to prevent harbour porpoises from dying as by-catches in gillnets. The measures of the new EU regulation (2022/303) apply to the German protected area "Pomeranian Bay - Rönnebank" and the protected area...


Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack is the new Inspector of the Navy

Today, 11 March 2022, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack (59) was officially appointed as the new Inspector General of the Navy. The command of the German Navy was handed over to him by the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, General Eberhard Zorn (62), at the Mürwik Naval Academy. Subsequently, Rear Admiral Frank Lenski (60), the current Chief of Staff at the Naval Command, was appointed Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces and Deputy to the Chief of Naval Operations. 220311_General-Zorn-and-VAdm-Kaack-with-Wife-Dr-Gesche-Kaack-Marcel-Kröncke_018_webGeneral Zorn and VAdm Kaack with Mrs Dr Gesche Kaack, photo Marcel-Kröncke. Gesche Kaack, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_General_Zorn_KADm_Lenski_Ute_Lenski_Marcel_kroencke_011_webGeneral Zorn KADm Lenski, Mrs Ute Lenski, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_Appointment_Inspector_marcel_kroencke_014_webAppointment of the Inspector, photo: Marcel Kröncke 220311_Address_General_Eberhard_Zorn_016_webAddress General Eberhard Zorn, photo:...


Hunting for yachts

Russian oligarchs try to keep their toys safe There is increasing news about Russian super-rich who can no longer keep their yachts safe. Most of the Russians on the annual Forbes list of billionaires have not yet been sanctioned by the United States and its allies, and their superyachts are still cruising the world's oceans. For Russian oligarchs, a superyacht is essential because it is part of the image, a prerequisite. There is also a kind of arms race to see who has the biggest, longest and most elaborate yacht. That's why the gentlemen are being hit in a sensitive spot - the sanctioning has begun:...


German Navy: "We brought out everything that floats"

The conflict in Ukraine has led to a deployment of the German Navy on an unprecedented scale. As the future inspector of the navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, said, a total of 24 ships are deployed in the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea, including three frigates. "We have brought out everything that floats. This allows us to show our presence together with our NATO partners." Among other things, the ships are part of the so-called permanent NATO units. These are at the highest level of combat readiness and the soldiers are optimally...


DWT Symposium Prospects for the defence industry 2022

At the symposium 'Prospects for the defence industry', representatives from the official side will meet with representatives from the fields of defence technology and the defence industry. For more than ten years, DWT and SGW have been offering a tried-and-tested dialogue and information platform with this event, which marks the start of the annual programme. Due to the formation of the new government, the date has been postponed to 7 March 2022, and the change in German security policy initiated on 27 February has given the event a new impetus. This gave high-ranking representatives of the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) the opportunity to give an indication of the 'Special Fund Bundeswehr' announced by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz....
