Category: News

Navigation radar for Polish minesweepers

Two of the new minesweepers for the Polish Navy will be equipped with the Kelvin Hughes Mk 11 X Band SharpEye navigation radar. It will be part of the integrated navigation bridge system from OSI Maritime Systems and will perform both navigation and maritime surveillance functions. The two Project 258 minesweepers, Albatros and Mewa, were built at the Remontowa shipyard in Gdansk. They are 58 metres long and displace 850 tonnes. The hull is made of non-magnetic steel. The main armament of the Kormoran II class is a 35-millimetre cannon. The radar system was developed by Kelvin Hughes, which was acquired by Hensoldt in 2017. Today it operates under the name Hensoldt UK. Text: mb; Images: Hensoldt UK,...


Between fine words and reasons of state

Obviously, the German government is not so precise with its political signals towards the USA - but it is towards China. In connection with the planned voyage of a German frigate to the Indo-Pacific region, Federal Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer pleaded in an interview with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland for the free trade routes to be respected. "We are not only talking about the freedom of sea routes, which is being jeopardised by China, but we are also prepared to do something about it." He continued: "I want us to do more than just make fine words, we really want to do something." The interview was published in abridged form on 7 April on...


The danger is averted

Freighter is safe at the pier - great achievement by coastguard and tug crews The cargo ship "Eemslift Hendrika", drifting in the North Sea without a crew, has been secured. The ship had been drifting in the sea for several days without a crew or propulsion. The concern that the ship's fuel, namely heavy fuel oil and diesel, would spill into the sea has therefore been averted. Apart from the boats visible on the upper deck, nothing else is known about the cargo. There has also been no information about the service boat that apparently went overboard. Salvage crews managed to get on board and connect the ship with two tugboats - both at the bow...


Japan maintains presence in the South China Sea

Despite an increasingly aggressive tone from Beijing and the ever-expanding presence of Chinese ships in the South China Sea, the Japanese navy remains present in the region. Last week, the Japanese destroyer Akebono (DD 108) and the Australian frigate Anzac (FFH 150) conducted three days of exercises in the sea area between Vietnam and the Philippines. Both nations are thus sending out a signal in favour of a free and open Indo-Pacific. Most recently, a fleet of well over 200 alleged fishing vessels were anchored in bays of some of the reefs claimed by China. According to Chinese sources, the boats were merely sheltering from a storm...


Baby on board!

A baby was born on the rescue cruiser Pidder Lüng during the night of Easter Sunday. The crew of the ship stationed on Sylt were woken at two o'clock in the morning. A rescue helicopter was not available. The ship headed for the Danish harbour of Havneby. From there, an ambulance was to take the expectant mother to a hospital in Flensburg. However, during the 25-minute crossing, foreman Holger Speck, himself the father of three daughters, realised that the baby didn't want to wait that long. And as soon as the lines of the Pidder Lüng were secured in Havneby, a healthy baby boy arrived at 4.02 a.m....
