Category: Security policy

„Seeversorgung“ auf Russisch

Der Rohöltanker LUCIA (ca. 107.000 Tonnen, Flagge Palau) wurde vor der Mittelmeerküste Nordafrikas nach viermonatiger Liegezeit auf Reede entladen. Die rund 100.000 Tonnen Ural-Rohöl, die ursprünglich im russischen Ostseehafen Ust-Luga (westlich von Sankt Petersburg) geladen wurden, übernahm die unter vietnamesischer Flagge fahrende TIBURON (ca. 110.000 Tonnen). Zugang marineforum digital+ Sie sind bereits registrierter Nutzer? Jetzt hier einloggen - auch MOV Mitglieder: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Sie haben noch keinen Zugang? Hier geht es zum marineforum digital+ Abo: Zugang zu allen Beiträgen aus dem marineforum Magazin Einfache Zahlung per PayPal, Lastschriftverfahren oder Kreditkarte Das...


Iranian Revolutionary Guard receives new drones and missiles

Iranian news agencies are reporting that the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been armed with long-range drones and missiles. The Iranian state news agency IRNA reported that various types of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles with a range of 300 to 1,000 kilometres have been added to the armament of the Revolutionary Guards. This is Iran's response to announcements from the USA that armed marines could soon be protecting merchant ships in the region. See the article "US Navy: Deployments on merchant ships in high-risk areas" from 16 August 2023. Flimsy narrative Tehran regularly claims that the detained ships have violated shipping regulations. However, some ships were allowed to continue their journey,...


Persian Gulf: US Navy on merchant ships

US Marine Corps soldiers train for a possible scenario - protecting merchant ships from Iranian aggression in the Strait of Hormuz. Current situation The Strait of Hormuz is a vital sea lane and has an enormous impact on maritime trade around the world. Around 25 % of the world's crude oil flows through this strait, the free passage of which is threatened by Iran. Since 2021, Iran has attacked or seized, or attempted to attack, almost 20 foreign-flagged vessels in the Persian Gulf - Strait of Hormuz - Gulf of Oman area. As a result of increasing tensions with Iran...


Tender "Rhein" returns from the Aegean Sea

On Sunday, 13 August 2023 at 10 a.m., the tender "Rhein" will return to its home port of Kiel from the NATO Aegean Support Mission. For almost exactly six months, Corvette Captain Sebastian Lenz (33) and his crew provided the tender "Rhein" as the German contribution and command platform for the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). The NATO operation in the Mediterranean took the Kiel-based supply vessel and its 72-strong crew to various harbours in Greece, Turkey and Italy. The crew also included a Turkish and Greek liaison officer. During the entire time, the boat, which was part of the support squadron, had the opportunity to cooperate with the Greek and Turkish coastguards and the Italian and...


Keel laid for the first naval fuel supply vessel

On 8 August 2023, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two new naval supply vessels (MBV) took place at the Neptun Werft shipyard in Rostock, which is part of the Meyer Group. Both ships are being built under the leadership of the NVL Group in co-operation with the Meyer Group. With the participation of the Parliamentary State Secretary in the BMVg, Siemtje Möller, the shipbuilders hammered the keel laying plate between the keel block beam and the section. The German Navy urgently needs to replace its two fuel transporters "Rhön" and "Spessart" (single-hull tankers) in order to maintain the ability to supply naval units with fuel for their worldwide missions and to close a capability gap. For over 46 years...
