Category: Security policy

"Bonn" returns from deployment

The most important thing for me is that I was able to bring all the crew members home safe and sound. The crew showed what they can achieve and make possible and that they can always be relied on. I am extremely proud of their achievements," emphasises the commander. The impressive figures achieved during the IRINI mission speak for themselves. During the mission, the task force provider "Bonn" travelled a total of 17,645.7 nautical miles, which corresponds to approximately 32679.84 km or 0.8 circumnavigations of the earth. At the time of the embarkation ceremony, there were 202 people on board. The EGV and its crew had already...



Company anniversary of the Peene shipyard Manuela Schwesig, Minister President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, congratulates the company For three quarters of a century, Peene workers have been designing, manufacturing and repairing boats and ships with predominantly "grey" paintwork. Once founded by the Soviet military administration, the Lürßen shipbuilding family incorporated the shipyard into their Bremen shipyard group ten years ago. Today, more than 320 employees build and repair mostly naval vessels under the umbrella of the NVL Group. More than 600 boats and ships have been launched in Wolgast since the company was founded on 20 June 1948. In addition to the construction of naval vessels - the core of the Peene shipyard to this day - more than...


Brennstart für die schwimmenden Tankstellen

Die Marine soll neue Betriebsstoffversorger erhalten. Am 7. Juli 2021 wurde vom Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) der Auftrag zu Entwurfsplanung, Bau und betriebsfertiger Lieferung von zwei Marinebetriebsstoffversorgern an die Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH (heute NVL B.V. & Co. KG) erteilt. Heute, 29. Juni 2023, sind in Papenburg die Maschinen für den Bau des ersten von zwei neuen Marinebetriebsstoffversorgern symbolisch angefahren worden. Unter der Federführung der NVL werden die Nachfolger von „Rhön“ und „Spessart“ in Kooperation mit der Meyer Werft, Papenburg, gefertigt. Laut Pressemitteilung werden die Plattformen „Gebaut, in Betrieb genommen und erprobt […] auf...


Laboe Memorial: Best Boatswain 2022 honoured

On 27 June 2023, the President of the German Navy Association presented the Best Boatswain's Mate 2022 award in Laboe. Every year, the Best Boatswain's Mate is awarded to the NCO candidate who has demonstrated outstanding performance. This includes not only very good academic performance, but also strength of character, team spirit and leadership qualities. Chief Petty Officer BA Yannic Maiwald and Boatswain's Mate Florian Siedler were able to hold their own in all of these areas and achieved an impressive final grade of 1.32. This was a very special achievement this year, as they were so similar in their performance that they were both awarded the title of "Best Boatswain of the Year". At the beginning of the event, the commander of the Naval NCO School, Captain z.S....


Marinemusikkorps Kiel: Concert at the "Burg"

It promises to be a wonderful evening against the unique historical backdrop of the Mürwik Naval Academy in Flensburg. The motherhouse of German naval officers will be the setting and listening pleasure for an open-air concert. On the evening of 5 July, to mark the 175th anniversary of German navies, music classics inspired by the navy will be heard and seen. The Kiel Naval Music Corps will perform in the open air against the backdrop of the Flensburg Fjord under the direction of Lieutenant Captain Inga Hilsberg. Seating will hardly be available, only for guests with health restrictions. Please register your requirements by 30 June at the address below.
