Category: Security policy

Albania: On offer - a harbour for NATO

Albania has been a member of NATO since 2009 and is endeavouring to meet the associated obligations and standards in armed forces matters. Albania is also on the waiting list for EU membership and is not making any real progress. The defence budget is stagnating at 1.5% (by no means a reproach!), the country was the focus of the major NATO Defender exercise with Ukraine in 2021 and it supports NATO's position in the Ukraine war. So far - so good. Pasha Liman Albania still has a naval base of fairly modest dimensions from the days of the country's own communism and friendship with the Soviet Union: Pasha Liman at the southern end of the Bay of Vlore, 100 kilometres south of Tirana. In...


Firm: MV Werft Rostock becomes Arsenal!

The Federal Real Estate Agency (BIMA) signed the purchase agreement for the acquisition of the MV Werft shipyard in Rostock on Friday. The Budget Committee of the German Bundestag had previously approved the 87 million euros required for this. As announced by the Federal Ministry of Defence, the go-ahead has now been given for the construction of an additional operating facility for the naval arsenal. Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht sees great potential in the acquisition for both the Bundeswehr and the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. One aim is to improve the material operational readiness of the navy in particular. "A lack of capacity and long layovers should now be a thing of the past. With the acquisition, I see the...


LUH SK: Marine favours service solution

The German Armed Forces have been planning to procure a Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) for several branches of the armed forces for several years now, which will be used in particular to train pilots between the end of their basic helicopter training and deployment on their operational helicopter such as the NH90 or the Tiger. According to the original ideas, the armed forces were to procure the same helicopter type as part of this "Light Multi-Purpose Helicopter Armed Forces" or "LUH SK" project. Apparently, however, there are now considerable doubts in the navy as to whether this is a target-orientated approach. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Weiterlesen

Navy in brief - the naval commander on YouTube about the war in Ukraine

In einem Youtube-Beitrag (19. Folge „Nachgefragt“) gibt der Befehlshaber der Flotte und Unterstützungskräfte und Stellvertreter des Inspekteurs der Marine, Vizeadmiral Frank Lenski, auf dem Bundeswehr-Kanal ein Interview zum Thema: Die Seestreitkräfte und der Ukraine-Krieg. In seiner sachlichen und unaufgeregten Weise erklärt Admiral Lenski die maritimen Aspekte des Ukraine-Krieges – von den strategischen Bedeutungen der Hafenstädte Mariupol und Odessa, über die Schlangen-Insel im Schwarzen Meer, bis hin zum Schauplatz Ostsee und dem Einsatzbereich Atlantik und darüber hinaus für die Deutsche Marine. Klar, deutlich - und für jeden verständlich!   Video auf Youtube ansehen...


Black Sea Fleet: lost units and positions

Another ship loss At the beginning of July, the Russian navy lost "D-106", one of the five small Ondatra-class landing craft (project 1176, 150 tonnes) stationed in the Black Sea. The boat ran aground off Mariupol on one of the mines laid by the Russian navy itself. Snake Island (Smijinyi) Just a few days later - at the other end of the Black Sea - the Russian armed forces abandoned the much-contested "Snake Island" after fierce fighting and handed it over to the Ukrainian forces "as a gesture of goodwill" now that it had "fulfilled its task". The somewhat different narrative From the Ukrainian side, this story reads somewhat differently, as the Frankfurt...
