Category: Security policy

EU initiative: New export routes for Ukrainian grain

An online article in the EU magazine euractiv takes a look at Ukraine's faltering grain exports and underpins it with very catchy graphics. Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the country exported 4 to 5 million tonnes of grain per month, primarily to countries in Africa and the Middle East. 90 % of this trade passed through the harbours of the Black Sea. EU "Solidarity Lanes" initiative With the blockade of the Ukrainian coast and access to ports on the internal waterways, new land routes via neighbouring European countries must be established before these foodstuffs can be shipped by sea to the destination countries. The process of finding alternative...


US support for Ukraine: 23 small boats on the delivery list

In order to support Ukraine's ability to better control its coastline, waterways and ports and protect them against the Russian invasion, the USA is supplying a total of 23 Metal Shark aluminium small boats (Franklin and Jeanerette, Louisiana) at short notice. These will probably be 6 Defiant-45 boats, 14 Defiant-38 boats with a centre console or some with a cockpit and 3 Fearless-36 high-speed interceptor boats. Customised The boats are said to have been in negotiations with Kiev since 2019 and are therefore customised for Ukraine's needs. However, the overall programme has been significantly accelerated since the Russian invasion. The...


RIMPAC 2022: SeaGuardian drone with ELINT and COMINT capabilities deployed for the first time

The US manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI), is continuously expanding the range of applications for its drones. As the company writes in a press release, it has successfully conducted a series of flight tests with sensors for electronic intelligence (ELINT), communications intelligence (COMINT) and Link-16 payload in California in preparation for the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022 exercise. According to the announcement, the sensors were integrated by GA-ASI into the MQ-9B SeaGuardian unmanned aerial vehicle, which is to be deployed on RIMPAC 22. Until now, the company's drones were primarily designed for operations over land. Recently, GA-ASI has also been working on possible applications...


1st submarine squadron gets new commander

Eckernförde (ots) - On Thursday, 30 June 2022, the commander of Operational Flotilla 1, Flotilla Admiral Henning Faltin (54), will hand over command of the 1st Submarine Squadron from Frigate Captain Frédéric Strauch (45) to Frigate Captain Lars Gößing (43). Frigate Captain Strauch has led the 1st Submarine Squadron with its six submarines, three fleet service boats and a tender since October 2020. "In numbers, we look back on a time when we sometimes had four units of the squadron on missions at the same time. This included 'U35', the first time a German submarine was subordinate to an EU operation. We can all be proud of that," says Strauch. In addition to the missions, as Irini...


Inspector of the Navy: 100 days in office

Focus on NATO and deterrence On the occasion of his first 100 days in office, Vice Admiral Jan Kaack set out his priorities in a keynote speech on Monday. In a keynote speech on the occasion of his first 100 days in office on Monday (yesterday), the Vice Admiral prioritised the improvement of operational capability and combat power: this includes an improvement in material operational capability, more money for structural change and an adjustment of standards. The current maritime operations in UNIFIL off Lebanon, in the monitoring of refugee movements between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea and in the EU mission Irini off Libya are tying up the navy considerably. These...
