Category: Security policy

Autonomous warfare: joint exercise between Australia, the USA and the UK

Over the next 11 days, Australia, in co-operation with the United States and the United Kingdom, will conduct joint exercises at sea and test the latest autonomous warfare technologies at its naval school HMAS Creswell. The exercise, led by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), will test and evaluate unmanned, robotic and autonomous systems in Jervis Bay, the nearby Eastern Australian Training Area and in the sky. Exercise Autonomous Warrior 2022 (AW22) is the setting for a simulated next-generation naval battlefield. The exercise will involve around 300 personnel from 40 organisations from the three countries mentioned above, and will test cutting-edge technologies to...


Chinese reconnaissance ship off Western Australia

People "down under" don't like it when a reconnaissance vessel approaches the continent - and then flies the Chinese flag on top of it! This is what happened at the beginning of the month when the AGI survey vessel "Haiwangxing" of the Dongdiao class (Type 815A) was observed travelling up and down the west coast. Not in territorial waters, but still in the Exclusive Economic Zone - and not far (50 nautical miles) from the Harold E. Holt communications station just north of Exmouth / North West Cape, which serves the submarines of the Australian, American and other allied navies in particular. "Non-bridging" Chinese ships have recently been increasingly seen north of...


France's maritime solution for Ukraine refugees

While in Europe the refugees pushing northwards by sea from Africa tend to be handled with pointed fingers by the countries bordering the Mediterranean, France has found a lean, maritime solution for the women and children fleeing from Ukraine. On the initiative of the managing director of the ferry shipping company Corsica-Linea, a Mediterranean ferry that was laid up due to coronavirus restrictions and significantly reduced passenger volumes was offered to the state institutions very early on as accommodation for 800 people - until normal ferry business resumes in the summer. "Méditerranée" - the ship The "Méditerranée", which normally travels between France and Algeria with its ten passenger and two vehicle decks, has been...


Task force supplier Bonn on its way to the Aegean Sea

Relief for the frigate "Lübeck" On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 4 p.m., the task force provider "Bonn" left Wilhelmshaven for the Mediterranean. In the Aegean Sea, the 175-strong crew and the ship are expected to work closely with the Turkish and Greek coastguards and the European Coastguard and Border Agency (FRONTEX) as part of Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). Under the command of frigate captain Eike Deußen, commander of the "Bonn", the Bonn will be deployed for six months. The last few weeks have been characterised by intensive preparations for the deployment, repairs and maintenance have been carried out on the ship and training courses...


And yachts again and again

Shipyards fear slumps, one even bankruptcy: the Dutch Heesen Yachts shipyard Heesen Yachts is facing serious problems if its Russian owner Vagit Alekperov ends up on the EU sanctions list. So far, Alekperov has been placed on the British list, which is already causing problems with Heesen's British suppliers. Heesen Yachts stated that Alekperov is one of its Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO's) and emphasises that it is a Dutch company with a board of directors and an independent supervisory board that appoints the board members, and that the company is financially independent and in good shape with a strong order book. According to the Dutch yacht builder, the...
