Category: Shipbuilding

MTG with new top

Dr Björn Weidemann will succeed graduate engineer Guido Gerdemann As the Hamburg-based think tank MTG Marinetechnik GmbH announced today in a press release, the industrial engineer will become the new Managing Director of MTG from February. Weidemann was most recently Chief Operating Officer at the Brazilian shipbuilding consortium Águas Azuis, a joint venture between thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and Embraer. There he led the strategic organisation and programme management for the production of four Tamandaré-class frigates for the Brazilian Navy. Previously, he held senior positions at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, where he was involved in the development of new technologies in submarine construction. The 48...


Start of firing of the first fleet service boat

Naval Vessels Lürssen (NVL) starts the production phase for the fleet service boats The fleet service boats OKER, ALSTER and OSTE, which have been in service for more than 30 years, will be replaced by the new units and will be available to the German Navy from 2029. Together with Annette Lehnigk-Emden, President of the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw), Flotilla Admiral Andreas Czerwinski, Head of the BAAINBw's Maritime Department, and Lürssen Managing Director Justus Reinke, Tim Wagner, CEO of NVL, today pressed the start button to start up the plasma cutting system for the symbolic first steel cut. The order was placed with NVL in 2021. Construction of the technologically highly complex new type will...


Japan - Large ore ship receives rotor sails

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Elsflether Werft - judgements pronounced

In the fraud proceedings involving the former managers of the liquidated Elsflether Werft AG, the Oldenburg Regional Court handed down the last verdicts for the time being on 1 October 2024. A former shipyard board member must go to prison. The proceedings involved corruption, fraud, breach of trust and bribery, among other things. The trial was originally scheduled to last 40 days. However, due to the extensive confessions of the two defendants, fewer witnesses had to be questioned so that the judgements could be pronounced after just 18 trial days. Main defendants The former Elsfleth shipyard in the district of Wesermarsch had been commissioned with the refurbishment of the training sailing ship "Gorch Fock", among other things. The costs had exploded...
