Category: Shipbuilding

"You can rely on me!"

150 years of Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft: birthday on the fjord The times that lie behind FSG were often characterised by pessimism. The last few years were characterised by a mood of crisis and the traditional shipyard was on the brink of collapse on several occasions. However, the old shipyard on the fjord draws on the strength of the location, a wealth of strong staff loyalty, embedding in the society of the fjord town, opposite the Mürwik naval school, within sight of an ancient harbour. And there is that unshakeable North German mentality that bad weather should be met with appropriate clothing and that complaining is not an option. And now the...


US Navy: Third Constellation frigate under contract with Marinette

In July 2017, the U.S. Navy's Department of Defence announced the tender for the FFG(X) frigate project with twenty units. The FFG(X) was to be the successor to the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS, Independence and Freedom classes), which did not quite meet the Navy's expectations precisely because of its complex, expensive and vulnerable modularity. It selected five shipbuilders worldwide who were asked to submit their designs for the planned FFG(X) missile frigate. In the US, the procurement process separates the design selection and the award of a single-ship construction contract. In April 2020, it was then announced that Fincantieri Marinette Marine (Italy) had been awarded the...


RENK gearbox for the F 126

Electric traction motors for German Navy frigates The general contractor Damen Naval and RENK have signed a contract for the supply of transmission gear units and electric drives for the Class 126 frigates. RENK / Augsburg is thus continuing its co-operation with the German Navy. For example, the predecessor classes F125 and F124 were already equipped with RENK gear units. RENK also has a long-standing partnership with Damen Naval, for example in the construction of frigates and offshore patrol vessels for the navies of the Netherlands, Mexico, Morocco and Indonesia. An important difference between the future F126 and older frigates will be the new propulsion system:...


Belgian-Dutch minehunter programme: Keel N° 2 laid

After the keel for the first Belgian boat (as yet unnamed) was laid at the beginning of December 2021, the keel for the HNLMS Vlissingen, the first Dutch boat, was also celebrated in mid-June at the Naval Group in Lanester/Lorient. In accordance with the contract concluded in 2019 with Belgium Naval & Robotics as a consortium of the French Naval Group and the Belgian ECA Group, twelve mine defence units including a "toolbox" each with a total of around one hundred system-integrated drones are to be delivered for both countries. Who is doing what Naval Group is the prime contractor and is responsible for the development...


MTG Marinetechnik: The future lies ahead

Hamburg-based MTG Marinetechnik GmbH is reorganising its personnel and organisation. Founded in 1966, the company has evolved from being purely a designer of naval vessels. Its technical solutions have contributed to a number of maritime projects at home and abroad. Beyond design, MTG offers an evaluation of alternative and competing ship designs. Modelling, simulation and cost-benefit analysis have long been a matter of course on the way to a procurement decision. MTG is modifying its process management in order to continue to live up to its self-imposed claim of being a knowledge and competence centre in the maritime dimension. The new structure is intended to provide more flexibility and...
