Category: Shipbuilding

Under sail again

With the handover of the GORCH FOCK to the German Navy, Lürssen has successfully completed the refurbishment of the sail training ship after around two years in the shipyard. The Bremen-based family business took over the project in October 2019 and overhauled the ship on the basis of a comprehensively re-evaluated performance specification. "Every ship handover is characterised by emotions and, above all, fills the employees who accompany a project for months and contribute to its success with pride. All the more so when it is a project with numerous technical challenges, difficult framework conditions and an ambitious schedule, as in the case of the GORCH FOCK," says Tim Wagner, Managing Director...


The 1st Corvette Squadron under new leadership

On Monday, 27 September 2021 at 1 p.m., the duties of the 1st Corvette Squadron were handed over. After a varied two and a half years, Frigate Captain Florian Feld (46) handed over command to his successor, Frigate Captain Kenneth Harms (41). In March 2019, Frigate Captain Feld took over the command and initially focused on increasing operational readiness for national and alliance defence, in parallel with international crisis management tasks, in particular the UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) mission. In addition, four of the five new corvettes have already been laid down so that the outgoing commander can devote himself to the deployment and training of the new crews....


Update: Change of leadership at Warnemünde naval base

On Friday, 24 September 2021 at 10 a.m., Frigate Captain Florian Lübeck handed over his duties to Corvette Captain Robert Lehmann. Frigate Captain Lübeck was the base commander in Warnemünde for three years. Major events such as the Hansesail or the numerous guest visits by international military ships and boats were his personal highlights and characterised his work and the hospitality of the base. The naval officer bids farewell with words of thanks to his staff: "What I will remember most is the excellent cooperation with the staff at the base; my heart is attached to the base and I am reluctant to leave Hohe Düne." Frigate Captain Lübeck will have a new...


MCN organises "Maritime Marketplace Northwest" again

23 September 2021 from 15:00 - 17:00 With the successful event format "Maritime Marketplace Northwest", the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany pursues the goal of networking companies in the maritime industry. Last year, we had planned our anniversary event for the 10th edition of the Maritime Marketplace Northwest, which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. True to the motto "postponed is not cancelled", we will make up for our anniversary in presence in due course. To ensure that networking is not neglected until then, a 9.5th Maritime Marketplace will take place online on 23 September 2021. MCN members will present their company, their latest products, ideas...


Gorch Fock in Wilhelmshaven

The Lürssen shipyard proudly announced at the weekend - and rightly so - that the Gorch Fock is back in service today. Under the leadership of the project team led by Sascha Eilers, more than 150 shipyard employees have been working flat out to ensure that the training sailing ship GORCH FOCK has been brought back into shape. Today, the Gorch Fock set sail for Wilhelmshaven and headed down the Weser towards Helgoland. Lürssen took over responsibility for the restoration of this ship in October 2019 and initially moved the barque to Berne. In the spring of this year, the ship was successfully launched and towed to Lemwerder for further outfitting with the help of tugs.
