Category: Shipping

United European Car Carriers (UECC) drives CNSL forward

Es geht um nachhaltige Kraftstoffe Seit Jahren macht die im europäischen Kurzstreckengeschäft tätige Reederei Schlagzeilen für ihre Bestrebungen, alternative Antriebe und Kraftstoffe zu testen. Sowohl LNG, Dual Fuel als auch Batterie Technologien wurden in den Schiffen verwendet. HANSA Online berichtete 2022, dass UECC die „umweltfreundlichste Flotte in bremischen Häfen“ habe. Die Norweger haben bereits mehrfach den „Bremen Ports Award“ gewonnen. UECC sieht sich selbst als Pionier in der nachhaltigen Ro-Ro-Schifffahrt. Nun kündigt das in Oslo beheimatete Unternehmen an, mit Branchengrößen wie der maritimen Beratungsorganisation Lloyd's Register FOBAS, dem Motorenhersteller Wartsila und dem Biokraftstofflieferanten ACT Group an der Verwendung von...

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"Shadow fleet": Crude oil tanker involved in collision off Skagen

A tanker from the Russian "shadow fleet" has been involved in a collision near Skagen, Denmark, once again highlighting known risks: ships on the world's oceans with unknown owners and maintenance conditions as well as a lack of insurance. Such ships for the transport of Russian crude oil and other oil products were purchased to circumvent the sanctions imposed by the USA, the European Union and the G7 group (oil price cap). Although there is no evidence of environmental pollution from the collision with the apparently unladen tanker, it is a renewed warning of the risks that the "shadow fleet" also poses in...

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Netherlands: Frigate TROMP has sailed

The Dutch government has informed the House of Representatives and the public that HNLMS "Tromp" (De Zeven Provinciën class, 144 metres) will also be transiting the Red Sea on its way to the Indo-Pacific. The anti-aircraft frigate left Den Helder on 9 March and will support the US-led maritime operation Prosperity Guardian for around 25 days at the end of March and will also exchange information with the EU operation Aspides (Shield), to which the German anti-aircraft frigate HESSEN also belongs, and provide support on request. The aim of both operations is to fend off attacks by the Houthis on civilian shipping in the Red Sea. In addition, the government is examining...

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MAN - First ammonia engine before installation

The shipping industry transports around 90 % of global trade and is therefore responsible for around three per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions. Reason enough to research ammonia as one of several alternative fuels. Test phase MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) is planning to install the first ammonia-powered engine on a new ship in Japan before the end of this year. The subsequent testing of the dual-fuel engine will take one to two years. If the two-stroke ammonia marine engine is successfully tested, MAN will have reached a milestone, but at the same time intensive investments will have to be made in fuel supply and bunker infrastructure and further safety standards will have to be created, according to the MAN ES CEO, who...

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Remote-controlled inland navigation

Duisburg: Now that the first pilotless "ghost ships" are sailing on Belgium's waterways, ships are set to follow on German waterways. In future, the captains will no longer be on board, but on land. For a few weeks now, a Belgian captain has been sitting at a desk in the former Haniel offices in Duisburg-Ruhrort. With headphones in front of four computer terminals and six camera screens, he steers an inland freighter across the Belgian Plassendale-Nieuwpoort Canal and the River Yser, over 300 kilometres away. Two controllers are all the Fleming needs to keep the unmanned "Watertruck 8" loaded with excavated earth on course. Skilled labour shortage In the Duisburg control centre, this is the first time that the...

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