Category: Armed Forces

Flagship "Grömitz" back from the Aegean

Low number and availability of units necessitates the use of minehunting boats as command and control platforms From a press release by Rostock Naval Command: On Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 10 a.m., the minehunting boat "Grömitz", which belongs to the 3rd Minehunting Squadron, will return to its home port of Kiel from a six-month deployment to the NATO Aegean Support Mission. Over the past six months, the Kiel-based boat has been the command platform and the German contribution to NATO's Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 and the NATO Aegean Support Mission. The task of the "Grömitz" was to provide the situational awareness required to control the Aegean in order to prevent illegal refugee flows...


Traditional sailors at the Kieler Woche

Naval units from all over the world, pleasure craft, cruise ships, regattas, celebrities from sport, politics and society: but what would Kiel Week be without traditional sailing ships? They are the true heroes of pleasure boating: owners, skippers, boat people and clubs who keep the old ships alive - and that doesn't just mean swimming - but make them accessible to the public and thus bring a bit of history into the present. It is the old traditions and craftsmanship, the passion and the stories behind old bulkheads, Hellegatts and bilges that make this historic cultural asset so fascinating. Against all odds, keeping the ships in motion...
