Category: Armed Forces

Inspector of the Armed Forces Base becomes new ambassador for the Bundeswehr and Reservists Running Team e.V.

From a press release issued by the running team on 15 August 2023 After the Bundeswehr and Reservists e.V. running team was already able to win over Flotilla Admiral Bock as a new ambassador, the association is now also pleased to welcome the Inspector of the Armed Forces Base (SKB), Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, to its ranks as a further ambassador. Lieutenant General Schelleis is the first time that the running team has received support from the ranks of the inspectors of the Bundeswehr. With regard to his role as ambassador, the SKB inspector emphasises above all that both the profession of soldier and the times in which we live...


Tender "Rhein" returns from the Aegean Sea

On Sunday, 13 August 2023 at 10 a.m., the tender "Rhein" will return to its home port of Kiel from the NATO Aegean Support Mission. For almost exactly six months, Corvette Captain Sebastian Lenz (33) and his crew provided the tender "Rhein" as the German contribution and command platform for the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). The NATO operation in the Mediterranean took the Kiel-based supply vessel and its 72-strong crew to various harbours in Greece, Turkey and Italy. The crew also included a Turkish and Greek liaison officer. During the entire time, the boat, which was part of the support squadron, had the opportunity to cooperate with the Greek and Turkish coastguards and the Italian and...


Keel laid for the first naval fuel supply vessel

On 8 August 2023, the keel laying ceremony for the first of two new naval supply vessels (MBV) took place at the Neptun Werft shipyard in Rostock, which is part of the Meyer Group. Both ships are being built under the leadership of the NVL Group in co-operation with the Meyer Group. With the participation of the Parliamentary State Secretary in the BMVg, Siemtje Möller, the shipbuilders hammered the keel laying plate between the keel block beam and the section. The German Navy urgently needs to replace its two fuel transporters "Rhön" and "Spessart" (single-hull tankers) in order to maintain the ability to supply naval units with fuel for their worldwide missions and to close a capability gap. For over 46 years...


German marines train in Australia

From a report on the Bundeswehr portal The German Navy's naval battalion is also involved in the large-scale multinational manoeuvre "Talisman Sabre" from 22 July to 4 August. Australia has hosted this largest joint training activity of its defence forces with the US military every two years since 2005. Talisman Sabre 2023 is now the tenth and largest iteration of the manoeuvre series to date. More than 30,000 military personnel from 13 nations are taking part this year: in addition to the organisers Australia and the USA, these are Fiji, France, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Great Britain, Canada and Germany. The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand are sending observers to the exercise. Another...


What does a ship's constable actually do?

SEvery Bundeswehr company (battery, inspection, squadron and similar) on land has one: the company sergeant (KpFw), the "mother of the company". The man or woman with the yellow cord, also known colloquially as the "spit". KpFw are responsible for internal service for the unit commanders and, as leaders of the NCO corps, are jointly responsible for personnel management. On ships of the German Navy (battalion), the "Spieß" is called Schiffswachtmeister (SWM). One of them: Oberstabsbootsmann Andreas G. He is the Ship's Watch Master (SWM) on the Einsatzgruppenversorger "Bonn". His main tasks: Leading, advising, planning and coordinating. A passionate carer Andreas G. recently celebrated 30 years of service. He began his career...
