Corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" returns after 196 days in service, Photo: Daniel Angres

Corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" returns after 196 days in service, Photo: Daniel Angres

Everyone is home for Christmas: Corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" returns after 196 days in service

An icy westerly wind drives thick clouds and the salty aroma of the Baltic Sea over the Hohe Düne naval base, while the cold reddens the faces of those present. It is unusually busy for a Friday morning. The first members of the crew of the corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" are warming up with snacks and hot drinks in front of the Warnemünde Family Support Centre's support stand. Father Christmas has prepared little surprises for the waiting children.

The corvette set sail on 8 June 2024, the day of the Bundeswehr, under the command of frigate captain Christian Rodust. Its destination was the mandated foreign mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) off the Lebanese coast. Since 1978, blue helmet soldiers have been involved in this mission to promote peace between Lebanon and Israel. The UNIFIL mission is one of the oldest peacekeeping operations of the United Nations and is based on UN Security Council Resolutions 425 and 426. Since 2006, the German Navy has been working as part of the UNIFIL mission to enforce the mandate of the German Bundestag in conjunction with the UN mandate.

"I am proud of my crew and happy to have returned safely to our home port with the "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" after a demanding and sometimes dangerous mission off the Lebanese coast. An outstanding team as well as our high-quality and intensive training before the mission were the guarantee that we were even able to successfully defend ourselves against a specific drone attack. After 196 days away, everyone is all the more looking forward to a peaceful and peaceful end to the year," says the commander.

To the sound of the Neubrandenburg Army Music Corps, the last line was handed over for mooring.

The Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, General Carsten Breuer, attended the welcome ceremony in person. "196 days... Nice to have you back here," the highest-ranking soldier in the Bundeswehr greeted the crew before heralding the end of the docking with the words "Stelling frei!".

The corvette and her crew had a challenging 2024 behind them. In total, the crew spent almost 270 days away from their home port of Rostock. On their return, the crew began their well-deserved Christmas holiday.

The Marineforum wishes you a Merry Christmas and relaxing days with your families.

Text/ Photos: Daniel Angres


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