Corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein", Photo: Bundeswehr

Corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein", Photo: Bundeswehr

Farewell on Armed Forces Day

Impressions of the Armed Forces Day in Warnemünde

Corvette Ludwigshafen is on her way to the Mediterranean. Farewell by Parliamentary State Secretary Siemtje Möller.

On Saturday, the corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" left her home port of Warnemünde to take part in the mandated mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) off the Lebanese coast.


This sponsor city was suggested by Defence Minister Franz Josef Jung: Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Under the command of frigate captain Christian Rodust, the ship will carry out maritime surveillance and support the training of the Lebanese navy during its five-month absence. The surveillance will be carried out in cooperation with other nations involved in the UN mission, which currently includes Turkey, Greece, Bangladesh and Indonesia. "The current situation in the mission area - in particular the clashes between Hezbollah and Israel - emphasises both the high security policy relevance of the UNIFIL mission and the importance of intensive mission preparation. The men and women of the 'Ludwigshafen am Rhein' are well trained and ready to fulfil their mission in the area of operations. I wish the crew every success in their deployment and look forward to their healthy return," said the commander of the 1st Corvette Squadron, Marc T. Tippner.

Armed Forces Day 2024 on the Hohe Düne, photo: Daniel Angres

Armed Forces Day 2024 on the Hohe Düne, photo: Daniel Angres

The departure will take place on "Bundeswehr Day" with public participation. The corvette "Ludwigshafen am Rhein" will remain in the theatre of operations until December and will then be replaced by the frigate "Baden-Württemberg" in the theatre of operations. The latter is currently in the Pacific Ocean.

1 Comment

  1. Good luck to the servicemen and women and come home safely


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