The Berlin with the suspicious freighter

The Berlin with the suspicious freighter

Mission for the boarding team of the Berlin

A freighter sailing under the flag of Sierra Leone has been arrested in recent days by the boarding team of the Berlin controlled. The ship was on its way from Turkey to a Libyan harbour. During the search, the crew of the freighter was cooperative and no weapons or other prohibited items were found on board.

The Lithuanian boarding team gets ready on the Berlin

The Lithuanian boarding team gets ready on the Berlin

It was the first boarding mission for the German task force provider as part of Operation Irini. The operation was carried out by the crew on board the Berlin embarked soldiers from Lithuania. This was the tenth boarding within the framework of Irini. In the EU-led operation, 24 EU members are working together to enforce the arms embargo against Libya.

Search of the cargo hold

Search of the cargo hold

The task force supplier Berlin left Wilhelmsaven on 5 March to take part in the EU operation in the Mediterranean. Under the command of frigate captain Stefan Klatt, in addition to the regular crew and the Lithuanian boarding team, there are also 18 soldiers from Naval Air Wing 5. For the first time, a Sea Lynx helicopter was embarked on board an EGV, for whose flight operations, maintenance and repair they are responsible.

Text: mb; Photos: Eunavfor Med Irini

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