DMI, MOV, MOH Flood relief 2021

DMI, MOV, MOH Flood relief 2021

Flood aid 2021

19 Jul 2021 | News, Armed Forces | 0 Kommentare

Dear users of marineforum online, dear members of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V., the Marine-Offizier-Hilfe e.V. and the Deutsches Maritimes Institut e.V.,

The dramatic events of the last few days in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bavaria and Saxony have also deeply shaken us.

Help is urgently needed in the affected areas and is being announced and provided by many parties.

Naturally, the Naval Officers' Relief organisation is ready to help quickly and unbureaucratically in individual cases to alleviate distress and suffering.

We cannot provide general aid for the victims of the 2021 flood disaster directly, but we would be very pleased if you could support the organisations working on the ground with your personal donation.

Here are some selected donation accounts:

Bundeswehr social welfare organisation
Bank for Social Economy Cologne
IBAN: DE07 3702 0500 0007 0650 01
Intended use: Flood 2021

German Armed Forces Association
Soldiers' and Veterans' Foundation (SVS)
Donation account:
Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
IBAN: DE51 3806 0186 0000 0300 40
Intended use: DBwV flood aid 2021

Thank you very much for your help,

the MOV, MOH and DMI Management Boards

DMI, MOV, MOH all logos


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