Zukünftig wird die Meteor IV wichtige Arbeit bei der maritimen Forschung leisten, Grafik: Fassmer/Meyer

In future, the Meteor IV will carry out important work in maritime research, graphic: Fassmer/Meyer

Research for Future

Germany is finally building another new research vessel, the METEOR IV. The order goes to an unusual shipyard consortium.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has commissioned the Fassmer and Meyer shipyards to build a new research vessel. According to a press release issued by the ministry on 21 January, the bidding consortium Meyer-Fassmer-Spezialschiffbau was awarded the contract to build the METEOR IV research vessel in mid-December 2021 as part of a Europe-wide tender. The consortium combines the expertise of two renowned German specialist shipyards.

21 Mar 2022

