Einsatzgruppenversorger "Frankfurt am Main". Foto: Bundeswehr

Task force provider "Frankfurt am Main". Photo: Bundeswehr

Frankfurt am Main: On time at home in Wilhelmshaven

From a press release of the Naval Command:

On Friday, 15 December 2023 at 10 a.m., the Einsatzgruppenversorger (EGV) "Frankfurt am Main" will return to its home port of Wilhelmshaven after 23,000 nautical miles, corresponding to 42,600 kilometres, or one circumnavigation of the globe.

The "Frankfurt am Main" remained in the Mediterranean for longer after the actual end of its deployment in order to be able to assist with a possible evacuation of German citizens following the outbreak of war in Israel. After months away from home, the servicemen and women are looking forward to spending Christmas and New Year's Eve with their families before the "Frankfurt am Main" departs for the Indo-Pacific Deployment (IPD) next year.

View from the bridge, Einsatzgruppenversorger "Frankfurt am Main". Photo: Bundeswehr

The commander of the task force provider, frigate captain Hanno Weisensee (47), sees the first deployment after the shipyard layover and the demanding operational training programme as an absolute success: "The crew has proven what it is capable of as a team, and that is quite a lot. As part of the 'NATO Support EGAIS' mission, we were able to make our contribution to gathering information and building up situational awareness with regard to migration movements and smuggling activities. Due to the terrible events in Israel, we then had to prepare for a possible military evacuation operation. This demanded a great deal from the crew once again shortly before the planned end of the mission in the Aegean. However, the entire crew mastered this new challenge in a highly professional and very successful manner."

Editor's note:

The marineforum editorial team would also like to thank the crew of the returning "Frankfurt am Main" and wish them a peaceful Christmas.

However, we must also take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to the crews of the ships and boats that are now on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, showing their presence - prepared and trained for the eventualities of the theatre of operations. The same thanks go to the units and servicewomen and men who - wherever they may be - are serving in the German Navy's operational areas and cannot be at home for Christmas. We are thinking of you out there and will be in touch here for the holidays!


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