While in Europe the refugees pushing northwards by sea from Africa tend to be handled with pointed fingers by the countries bordering the Mediterranean, France has found a lean, maritime solution for the women and children fleeing from Ukraine. On the initiative of the managing director of the ferry shipping company Corsica-Linea, a Mediterranean ferry that was laid up due to coronavirus restrictions and significantly reduced passenger volumes was offered to the state institutions at a very early stage as accommodation for 800 people - until the normal ferry business resumes in the summer.
"Méditerranée" - the ship
The "Méditerranée", which normally shuttles between France and Algeria with its ten passenger and two vehicle decks, has been lying unused in the harbour of Marseille for two years. The ship offers space for orderly registration, individual accommodation, all kinds of support (administrative advice, psychological help, entertainment programme including a revived cinema), kindergarten, sports facilities (car decks) and communication - in fact a whole village in itself!
A solution of the "French" kind
A centralised facility for uprooted people, all with the same problems - this is completely in line with the French system in terms of its practicability. Especially as there have been no large Ukrainian emigrant communities in France to take care of incoming refugees, as is the practice in less westernised countries. And of course there is also a shortage of housing in France. The shipping company's idea met with immediate approval from the national and regional authorities - not to the detriment of the ferry company. Within a few days, the dormant ship was converted into a Ukrainian refugee centre, with information boards and announcements in the local language! Central rooms for doctors, psychiatrists, French teachers and bank representatives were set up and staffed. The routine that has now been established helps the women and children from all parts of Ukraine through the highs (a few) and plenty of lows.
Disadvantages - rather theoretical
Of course, such a solution also has disadvantages: the group on board could become too large or get out of control. Access to gainful employment is far more limited than in urban accommodation. And the migrants from North Africa accommodated in the south of France, particularly in Marseille, are understandably somewhat envious of the solution found in connection with Ukraine. But in this case, of course, it is a completely different migration situation - these are women and children in need of protection who want to return to their home country as quickly as possible.
What happens next
However, summer is coming and Corona is leaving - ferry traffic is picking up again - but the war in Ukraine is far from over. So what to do with all the Ukrainian women and children who feel safe on such a ship and don't necessarily want to relocate to a small French town in the countryside? Solutions are being sought - and another ship may be found!
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