Frigate "Hessen" exercises with aircraft carrier group, Photo: Leon Rodewald

Frigate "Hessen" exercises with aircraft carrier group, Photo: Leon Rodewald

Frigate "Hessen" exercises with aircraft carrier group

Wilhelmshaven - On Monday, 5 September 2022 at 2 p.m., the frigate "Hessen" and her crew will cast off. She will leave her home port of Wilhelmshaven to join the US Carrier Strike Group (CSG).

Together with the American aircraft carrier "USS Gerald R. Ford", the German frigate operates primarily within the air defence unit and is an integral part of the aircraft carrier group. Operational training and operational cooperation will be the focus of the coming weeks, combined with international cooperation and practising various threat scenarios.

Back in 2018, the "Hessen" was part of an aircraft carrier formation with the "USS Harry S. Truman" and supported the formation and the associated mission.
"The crew can expect strenuous days at sea and as part of the training programme," says Commander Frigate Captain Volker Kübsch (43). The ship will also visit eventful harbours such as Reykjavik, Norfolk and Halifax. "Every crew member has the opportunity to experience international cooperation," he continues.
The ship and its crew are expected back in Wilhelmshaven in mid-November.


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