Frigate "Lübeck" arrives in Wilhelmshaven for the last time

Frigate "Lübeck" arrives in Wilhelmshaven for the last time, Photo: Bundeswehr / Tanja Wendt

Frigate "Lübeck" arrives in Wilhelmshaven for the last time

Final chapter of the Bremen-class frigates. The "Lübeck" will be decommissioned at the end of 2022.

On Thursday, 16 June 2022 at 10 a.m., the "Lübeck" will return from the Aegean Sea from Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2).

Its main focus there was on building up situational awareness and cooperating with partners in the border region between Turkey and Greece. In its function as flagship, the Commander Task Unit and its staff carried out their work on the frigate. This staff consisted of liaison officers from the neighbouring countries and, at times, the European border protection organisation FRONTEX.

"This mission was a particular challenge for the crew, so soon after the last mission in the Aegean. The massively changed situation in the world as a result of Russia's attack on Ukraine in February had an impact on the entire ship, but ultimately not on the mission," says the commander, frigate captain Kai Röckel (44). "Preparing the decommissioning of the 'Lübeck' at the same time in a tense security situation leads to mixed feelings. My crew has done everything to be ready at all times and to be able to react to unforeseen events," he continues.

The ship's return to Wilhelmshaven is something special this time. The crew is looking forward to returning home and knows that this will be the last time with the old lady. During her 32-year voyage, the "Lucky Lübeck" has travelled 863,449 nautical miles (NM), which corresponds to around 40 circumnavigations of the globe.

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