Photo: Michael Nitz

Photo: Michael Nitz

Splicing and rigging

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is having a serious impact on the German Navy. However, the return to national and alliance defence opens up a wide range of opportunities.

The German Navy is facing a fundamental change of course with the turnaround and the 2035+ vision. It needs to be assertive and well positioned for future challenges. But how should our navy actually be "rigged" for this? And more importantly, how could the German Navy avoid the stovepiping described by Heinz Schulte in the April issue of marineforum and "splice" itself into the future of the Bundeswehr in a meaningful way? In the following, an attempt will be made to contribute to the practical design of the 2035+ target picture by iteratively describing derivations for the required force structure, force organisation and force provision of a future German Navy.

7 Jun 2023

0 Kommentare

  1. Thanks to both authors for this contribution from the fleet. We need much more of this! We would like to encourage you to take part in the discussion here.
