Schiebel S-100

Schiebel S-100

Greek Navy tests Schiebel S-100

The Greek Navy has successfully completed its first tests with the Schiebel S-100 Camcopter. From on board the frigate Aigaion,the former Dutch BanckertThe capabilities of the remote-controlled mini helicopter were scrutinised for a week. The focus was on testing its range, endurance and maximum speed. The possibilities offered by the rotorcraft in the areas of surveillance and detection were also tested in various tests. For this purpose, the Camcopter was equipped with a TC-300 camera from Trakka Systems, which includes electro-optical and infrared sensors. Also on board was an Automatic Identification System (AIS) from Shine Micro.
The S-100 was used to carry out take-offs and landings on the frigate's deck around the clock. The scenarios played out included co-operation with other ships of the Greek Navy, monitoring ship traffic and observing sections of coastline. The Camcopter was able to demonstrate its performance both remotely controlled and in autonomous mode. The navy will decide on further tests after analysing the results.
One of the advantages of the S-100 is that no special preparations need to be made for take-off and landing, even on board a ship. The system can operate for up to 200 kilometres even in adverse weather conditions and remain in the air for around ten hours. Its lightweight construction allows it to carry a maximum payload of 34 kilograms. The German Navy also had the S-100 on the corvette Brunswick tested.

Tests on board the frigate Aigaion

Tests on board the frigate Aigaion

Text: mb; Photo: Schiebel

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