In 2011, the Indian dock landing ship Jalashwa was the first ship to be taken over by the US Navy. Photo: Press and Information Department of the Indian Government

Im Jahr 2011 wurde das indische Docklandungsschiff Jalashwa als erstes Schiff von der US Navy übernommen. Foto: Presse- und Informationsamt der indischen Regierung

India's great power ambitions

14 Mar 2025 | Headlines, Magazine, Armed Forces

With 1.4 billion people, India is the most populous country in the world and is home to the fifth largest economy in the world. Now New Delhi wants to join the global leadership club at a political and military level.

As a nuclear power and with extensive investments in modern conventional weapons, India is emphasising its global ambitions and its claim to a stronger role on the international stage. The government is pursuing a dual strategy aimed at consolidating its global role through increased international recognition while protecting and expanding its geopolitical and economic interests. A targeted expansion and diversification of bilateral and multilateral partnerships is an integral part of this strategy.

Regionally, New Delhi is trying to deepen partnerships in order to consolidate its claim as a regional leader and

14 Mar 2025

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