Bei Austal USA in Mobile wird heute das nächste Littoral Combat Ship der Independence-Klasse auf Kiel gelegt. Die zukünftige USS Augusta (LCS 34) ist das 17. Schiff dieser für den Einsatz in Küstengewässern vorgesehenen Kriegsschiffe. Nach der Augusta ist noch der Bau von zwei weiteren dieser markanten Schiffe geplant.
The US Navy operates two types of Littoral Combat Ships. More striking is the Independence-class, which is designed as a trimaran. Designed for use in coastal waters, the ships are fast and manoeuvrable. However, they are regularly criticised due to their light armament. With a length of 127 metres, they displace 2300 tonnes, reach a top speed of 44 knots and have a range of 4300 nautical miles. In addition to a 57-millimetre cannon and other smaller guns, there are only eight Naval Strike Missiles on board. There is also an MH-60 Seahawk helicopter. Interchangeable mission modules can be taken on board for various missions. There is a choice of Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Countermeasures, Surface Warfare and Special Warfare.
Text: mb; Foto: Austal USA
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