How maritime is the Wahl-o-Mat?

How maritime is the Wahl-o-Mat?

Maritime fact check for the 2021 Bundestag election - Wahl-O-Mat

15 Sep 2021 | Blog, Headlines | 0 Kommentare

The Wahl-O-Mat is a digital comparison tool for the programmes and positions of the parties in state, federal and European elections. It is published by the Federal Agency for Civic Educationwhich is assigned to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

After more than 50 supervised elections since 2002, the Wahl-O-Mat has established itself as an important decision-making aid for young and old. The editorial team selects a broadly diversified number of currently socially relevant theses that the parties can answer. According to the Wahl-O-Mat editorial team 39 out of 40 parties that will be running in the Bundestag elections on 26 September 2021 have answered the theses. Citizens then have the choice to rate each thesis as "agree", "neutral" or "disagree", or to skip the thesis completely and not include it in the final assessment. Finally, you can assign a double weighting to individual theses if they are particularly important to you. Overall, the Wahl-O-Mat for the Bundestag election 38 theses. Finally, you can select the parties with which you would like to compare your results on the theses. One Overview with the responses of all 39 parties to the Wahl-O-Mat theses you can find here as PDF.

The Working with the Wahl-O-Mat This time, too, it made us think and helped us to categorise our own position and that of the parties. As always, the following applies to the use: "A high level of agreement between your answers and several parties does not necessarily mean that these parties are close in terms of content."

How maritime is the Wahl-o-Mat?

Or rather, how strongly are theses with direct or indirect maritime significance represented in the comparison? The following questions came to our attention when sifting through the 38 opinion theses that have a maritime significance in the narrow or broadest sense:

Thesis no. 2 - "Germany should increase its defence spending."

Thesis No.4 - "The promotion of wind energy should be ended."

Thesis No. 16 - "The Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline, which transports gas from Russia to Germany, should be allowed to go into operation as planned."

Thesis No. 25 - "Germany should leave the European Union."

An overview of the party programmes for the 2021 federal elections and their maritime content can be found here:

Our contribution on the programme of the Free Democrats (FDP)
Our contribution about the programme of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Our contribution on the programme of the Social Democrats (SPD)
Our contribution on the programme of the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU)

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