Maritime Sicherheit im Rahmen der SMM

Während der SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology) vom 03. - 06. September 2024 findet das Forum MS&D (Conference on Maritime Security and Defence) statt. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Hamburg Messe als Veranstalter führt das Deutsche Maritime Institut (DMI) dieses Forum durch. Exklusiver Medienpartner ist der Mittler Report Verlag.

Maritime Sicherheit im Fokus

Maritime Sicherheit, lange Zeit ein Fachgebiet in reiner Zuständigkeit von Seestreitkräften, ist heute allgegenwärtig. Waren die Havarien der Ever Given oder der Freemantle Highway noch Unfälle, so bedrohen hingegen die kriegerischen Ereignisse im Schwarzen und im Roten Meer die gesamte Seefahrt.

Auf der ganzen Welt ist inzwischen maritime Sicherheit ein Thema, nicht nur für die Defence Sparten. Von Piraterie bis illegaler Fischerei: Handel und freie Seewege sind in Gefahr. Die SMM der Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH bietet für diese Themen ein Forum: die MS&D!

Die MS&D ist die führende internationale Konferenz, die Anwender, Hersteller und Entwickler aus dem maritimen Sektor mit dem Schwerpunkt Sicherheits- und Verteidigungssektor zusammenbringt. Sie bietet state-of-the-Art Technologie an der Weltspitze und stärkt die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Akteuren wie Behörden, Marinen, Industrie, Startups und Forschungseinrichtungen.

Die MS&D ist integriert in die SMM in Hamburg. Damit zieht sie eigene Aussteller, Gäste und Vortragende an, erreicht aufgrund des neuen Durchführungskonzepts des Veranstaltungspartners DMI (Deutsches Maritimes Institut) die gesamten Besucher der Messe. Im Jahr 2022 besuchten 40.000 Teilnehmer und 2.000 Aussteller aus 100 Nationen die SMM.

Mit dem Thema "Challenges of Transition in the Naval and Maritime Domain" werden am 5. und 6. September 2024 im Rahmen der MS&D prominente Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Industrie, Wissenschaft und Marinen in vier Panels und rund 20 offenen Vorträgen auftreten. Aussprachen und Gesprächsformate ergeben eine grossartige Gelegenheit zum offenen internationalen Austausch.

Das Deutsche Maritime Institut ist Veranstalter der MS&D, der Mittler Report Verlag ist exklusiver Medienpartner.

Zum vorläufigen Programm der MS&D: siehe unten

Maritime security in focus

For many years maritime security has been considered an agenda for naval forces – it has become everybody's business today. Where "Ever Given" in the Suez Canal and "Freemantle Highway" in the North Sea can still be considered as accidents, we now have to deal with warlike situations in the Black and Red Seas threatening the whole range of maritime traffic.

Maritime security has become an issue worldwide, not only in the defence sector. From piracy to illegal fishing – free trade and secure sea lines of communication are endangered. SMM – Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology – taking place in the Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, is providing a suitable forum for this topic: the Conference on Maritime Security and Defence (MS&D)!

MS&D is the leading international conference bringing together users, manufacturers and developers from the maritime sector with a specific focus on the security and defence sector. It presents state-of-the-art technology at world class level and fosters cooperation between actors such as agencies, naval forces, industry, startups and research institutions.

The MS&D conference is integrated into the SMM in Hamburg. It therefore attracts exhibitors, guests and speakers in its own right. Due to the event partner DMI (German Maritime Institute) and its new implementation concept the MS&D provides accessibility for all visitors of the trade fair. In 2022, over 40,000 participants and 2,000 exhibitors from 100 nations visited the SMM.

Under the headline "Challenges of Transition in the Naval and Maritime Domain", prominent speakers from politics, industry, science and naval forces will gather as part of the MS&D on September 5 and 6, 2024. In 4 panels, they will give about 20 lectures followed by discussions and thus provide a great opportunity for an open international exchange.

Mittler Report Verlag is the exclusive media partner of the MS&D.

The (provisional) program of the MS&D

Challenges of Transition in the Naval and Maritime Domain

Thursday, 5 September 2024


Opening Remarks: Plotting the Course of MS&D

Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI President



Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Chief of German Navy


Panel 1: Current Challenges in the Maritime Domain

Moderation: Dr. May-Britt Stumbaum, CISS

New Technologies and Their Impact on Maritime Security: Yemen and the Black Sea in Perspective

Captain (Navy) Sebastian Hamann, German Navy

Asymmetrical Threats Against Commercial Shipping 

Irina Haesler, Head of EU Representation / Maritime Security Policy, German Shipowners' Association

Maritime Aspects of Military Logistics – New Challenges



Lunch break


Wildcard Presentation



Panel 2: Maritime Domain Awareness & Multi Domain Ops – Above and Under Water

Moderation: Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI

New Trends & Technologies


Critical Undersea Infrastructure

Rear Admiral Christian Walter Meyer, Division Head Operations, German Navy Command

The Maritime Contribution to Multi Domain Operations

Major General (ret.) Mick Ryan, Adjunct Fellow, Australia Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies


Coffee Break


Maritime Innovation Challenge

Moderation: N.N.



 Friday, 6 September 2024


Panel 3: Asymmetric Naval Responses – The Illusion of Low-Intensity Warfare at Sea

Moderation: Dr. Sarah Kirchberger, DMI Vice President & Director ISPK, Kiel

Technological Responses to Maritime Security Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Area

Dr. Jyh-Shyang Sheu, Taiwan Institute for National Defense and Security Research

Asymmetrical Warfare Against Conventional Navies

Admiral (ret.) Igor Kabanenko, PhD, President of Ukrainian Advanced Research Project Agency, former Deputy Minister of  Defense of Ukraine

Asymmetrical Threats: Drone Carriers – the Answer?



Panel 4: Trends in Naval Shipbuilding

Moderation: Heinz Schulte, DMI Board Member

Trends in Naval Shipbuilding – A German Perspective

Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, Head of Equipment Department at the German Ministry of Defense (pending)

Engineering and Design Trends in Naval Shipbuilding


Application of AI in the Naval Shipbuilding Industry

Jonas Neustock, Team Lead Operations Artificial Intelligence at TKMS


Summing Up MS&D / End of Conference

Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider, DMI President

28. May 2024 | 0 comments



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