"CMA CGM Jacques Saade" at the Eurogate container terminal in Hamburg

"CMA CGM Jacques Saade" at the Eurogate container terminal in Hamburg

MCN organises "Maritime Marketplace Northwest" again

23 September 2021 from 15:00 - 17:00

With the successful event format "Maritime Marketplace Northwest", the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany pursues the goal of connecting companies in the maritime industry with each other. Last year, we had planned our anniversary event for the 10th edition of the Maritime Marketplace Northwest, which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus. True to the motto "postponed is not cancelled", we will make up for our anniversary in presence in due course. To ensure that networking is not neglected until then, the event will simply take place on 23 September 2021. online a 9.5. maritime marketplace will take place. MCN members present their company, their latest products, ideas or innovations as exhibitors! All persons who have registered by 16 September at the latest will receive a small gift from ScanDiesel for the event in advance. It pays to be quick!

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