Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and cockpit control console in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and control console Cockpit in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

Modernisation of simulators for NH90 NFH Sea Lion

The maintenance and repair trainer (maintenance rig, MTR) for training NH90 NTH Sea Lion aircraft technicians, which has been in operation at Naval Air Wing 5 in Nordholz since 2019, is being modernised.

Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and cockpit control console in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and cockpit control console in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

The delivery had ESuT  reported. The simulator enables the maintenance personnel of Naval Air Wing 5 to realistically train maintenance and repair procedures. Part of the Maintenance Training Rig developed and supplied by Reiser Simulation and Training (RST) is the "Functional Cockpit" supplied by Rheinmetall. On behalf of the general contractor RST, Rheinmetall is upgrading the Asterion cockpit trainer Functional Cockpit, the company announced.

Rheinmetall will now adapt this software to the current configuration status of the NH90 helicopter and integrate it into the functional cockpit with the help of a data recording on the real German Navy helicopter, Rheinmetall continued. This means that the training tool mirrors the behaviour of the original device identically. This is essential for the education and training of the German Navy's maintenance and repair personnel. The update of the simulators is to be completed by 2024.

Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and cockpit control console in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

Maintenance training rig with replica aircraft and cockpit control console in the replica Sea Lion, photo: Rheinmetall

Rheinmetall describes the Asterion product range as a dynamic and realistic training tool for training technical personnel. Asterion impresses with its high reproduction quality. This enables Rheinmetall to provide absolutely realistic, high-quality training for NH90 ground personnel at the level of the European aviation regulations EMAR - now used by both German army and navy pilots.

Editors: Mittler-Report-Verlag / Heiming

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