MOV General Meeting
General information
Like every association, MOV holds an ordinary general meeting once a year in accordance with German association law. General Meeting (MV).
According to the Articles of Association, the task of the MV:
- to approve the annual report to be submitted by the Board of Directors
- to approve the cash report to be submitted by the Executive Board
- to receive the auditors' report
- to grant discharge to the Executive Board with regard to items (1) and (2)
- Amendments to the rules of procedure for the General Meeting and the Articles of Association
- elect the Board of Directors, the auditors and the Council of Elders
- to vote on motions submitted by the Executive Board and the members
- to approve the budget estimate for the current financial year.
MOV members are informed about the AGM via the club's internal section - the MOV News - of the magazine marine forum invited to attend. Every member has the right to vote, which can also be transferred from members who are not present to participating members.
Every GM is quorate regardless of the number of attendees. The resolutions passed by the GM are recorded in writing and are included in the results report, which is regularly published in the marine forum is published.
In addition to the 11 members of the Executive Board (chairman, deputy chairman and nine assessors) and the members of the office (managing director, two secretaries and treasurer), an average of 80 members attend the AGMs.
The AGM usually takes place on a Saturday at the end of April/beginning of May each year. Two introductory speeches in the morning are obligatory. The first is always dedicated to the inspector of the Marine or one of its representatives, the second is selected on a current topic.
This is always preceded on Friday evening by a social event (e.g. a boat trip lasting several hours) with relatives and other guests.

The MOV Board of Management announces:
(Aerial photo of the MUS)
General Meeting of the Naval Officers' Association e.V.
on 04/05 April 2025 in Plön
The MOV Articles of Association in the version dated 19 June 2023 (date of registration) apply
pursuant to § 9 c (1) of the MOV Articles of Association:
The 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM 25) of MOV will take place on Saturday, 05 April 2025 in the
Naval NCO School
Ruhleben 30,
24306 Plön.
The formal invitation from the MOV Board of Directors, the detailed agenda and the registration documents will be published in good time.
The general meetings of the DMI and MOH will also be held at the MUS on Friday, 4 April 2025. Separate information will be provided on this.
Discharge of the Executive Board for the 2024 financial year.
Approval of budget estimate for the 2025 financial year.
Elections in accordance with the MOV Articles of Association of 19 June 2023:
a) To be elected in rotation in accordance with § 7c) in the years with an odd final number for the election period until 2027 (current office holders in brackets):
Deputy Chairman (FltlAdm Rackwitz)
1st assessor (KptzS aD Straus)
3rd assessor (FKpt Hackstein)
5. assessor (KKpt Adrians)
7. assessor (FltlArzt Books-Ollig)
9 Assessors (KptzS Clausing)
b) In accordance with § 10 of the Articles of Association, the following are to be elected Auditor for the 2025 financial year (current incumbents: FKpt a.D. Lochbaum, KptzS d.R. Herboth)
c) In accordance with § 11 of the Articles of Association, the members of the Council of Elders for the term of office until 2027. Current incumbents:
KAdm aD Schneider
KptzS aD Lenssen
Fleet physician Dr Simon
StKptLt aD Schäuble
An interested party has been found for the deceased FKpt aD Barth.
from among the members must be elected in accordance with Section 9 c) (1) of the MOV Articles of Association by
26 January 2025
be received by the MOV office.
Friday, 04 April 2025
From 18:00: "Dämmerschoppen" with barbecue buffet in the mess hall of the Naval NCO School, Ruhleben 30, 24306 Plön.
22:00: End of the "Dämmerschoppen"
Saturday, 05 April 2025
From 08:30am: General Meeting
Naval NCO School
Ruhleben 30
24306 Plön
- Morning: Lecture as public part of the general meeting
- Non-public part: Annual report by the Chairman on the 2024 financial year, discharge of the 2024 Executive Board, approval of the 2025 budget estimate
- Lunch buffet
- Afternoon: continuation of general meeting with elections, discussions.
- End approx. 16.00h
For the "Dämmerschoppen" on Friday, 4 April 2025, a fee of €35 per person will be charged (all inclusive) as well as a flat rate of €20 for the lunch buffet, coffee break buffet and drinks during the general meeting on 5 April 2025.
The documents and information on registration and a list of possible hotels will be published in the December issue of the marineforums published.
There is no accommodation available at the Naval NCO School. I therefore urge you to refrain from making enquiries to the school in this regard.
The Board of Directors appeals to all members to attend the General Meeting!
On behalf of
Elmar Brocksieper
-Managing Director-
The agenda follows.
Registration is possible from December.
The Board of Directors appeals to all members to attend the General Meeting!
On behalf of
Elmar Brocksieper
-Managing Director-
News on the 2025 General Meeting
Ladies and gentlemen, dear members,
You will now receive the registration form and the documents for transferring a voting proxy as additional documents for the AGM 2025.
We have also put together a selection of hotels for you. In Plön "and around" there are also a number of other smaller guesthouses and holiday flats. We cannot guarantee the quality of the accommodation listed below. Unfortunately, we have not been able to arrange a contingent of rooms with a discount. Timely registration combined with timely booking therefore ensures the place where you can "lay your weary head to rest".
However, we are organising a bus shuttle for transport between the hotels and the MUS on 4 and 5 April. Please note your accommodation on your registration form so that we have an overview.
Further information will be published in future issues of the marine forum on the "Yellow Pages" and at this point.
Yours, Elmar Brocksieper
Further documents for the General Meeting