The former President Winfried Röcker (right) hands over the baton to his successor Frank Dettmering. Source: German Motor Yacht Association

The former President Winfried Röcker (right) hands over the baton to his successor Frank Dettmering. Source: German Motor Yacht Association

New president at the DMYV

German Motor Yacht Association elects new president

The German Motor Yacht Association e.V. (DMYV) elected a new President at its 2021 Association Day in Wiesbaden. The delegates elected Frank Dettmering as the new President. The 55-year-old entrepreneur from Wolfenbüttel had been an assessor on the executive committee of the German Motor Yacht Association since 2017. His predecessor, Winfried Röcker, was bid farewell after 24 successful years and was appointed Honorary President.

During his time in office, Winfried Röcker was able to achieve many successes for motorised water sports in Germany and always stood up for the interests of motor boaters in politics, administration and business. The major successes of his time in office include the reduction of water leases for water sports clubs, the authorisation of the DMYV by the Federal Ministry of Transport (BMVI) to issue the International Boat Licence, the upgrading of secondary waterways by the BMVI and the creation of a separate budget item at federal level. Winfried Röcker was honoured for his achievements in 2006 with the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon.

About the Deutscher Motoryachtverband e.V.

The DMYV is the umbrella organisation for motorised water sports. It represents the interests of all German motorboat sportsmen and women and promotes motorised water sports - from recreational and cruising sports to competitive and youth sports. The DMYV is also responsible for national sporting sovereignty within motorised water sports. It is also entrusted with the examination and issuing of recreational boating licences, recreational coastal boating licences and radio certificates and is authorised to issue the International Boat Licence (IBS).

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