Photo: Bundeswehr/4th Frigate Squadron

Photo: Bundeswehr/4th Frigate Squadron

On our own behalf: Cooperations and partnerships

20 Dec 2021 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 0 Kommentare

We are delighted that has really taken off in the last year! 

Our visibility and reach have increased accordingly. And as we all know, blogs, news sites and social media channels thrive on content. The best content is unique. This is not always easy to achieve and involves time, money and personal commitment. In this context, the editorial team would like to take this opportunity to thank all our employees!

Actually, it is good manners and should not be pointed out any further. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with it. The topic is copyright and usage rights. Photographic material is provided to us by photographer friends, companies or navies - in some cases for a fee. These "suppliers" are therefore the authors. is authorised to use the material. When using photographic material, we always properly refer to the author. Most of the texts are written by the editors themselves. Supplied material contains a corresponding reference in the text.

Unfortunately, it has happened several times in recent weeks that operators of social media channels have demonstrably copied image material that was first made available exclusively to the marineforum editorial team - without naming the author, mind you. The author reported this to us and the relevant channels as soon as he became aware of it and the image material was deleted from the social media channels on the relevant third-party channels. Apart from the fact that this is simply not appropriate among colleagues, the authors and beneficiaries are being harmed financially and possibly also legally.

We would like to make a statement with this article and refer to the collegial cooperation. We are happy to share. But without the prior written consent of the editors, nothing works here! Image or text material from may ONLY be used with prior authorisation. Should anyone not feel addressed by this and "carry on as before", this will also have legal consequences.

Interested parties are welcome to contact the editorial team for their own use of images and texts at [email protected]

If this article has aroused your curiosity and someone feels called upon to create pictures or write reports for us, then we would be delighted! You are also welcome to write to us at [email protected] or send the contributions directly via the Creators Dock.

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