The new suit allows divers to work at depths of up to 91 metres, photo: US Navy

With the new suit, divers can divers can work at depths of up to 91 metres, photo: US Navy

Tanks under water

16 Jan 2024 | Headlines, Magazine, Technology

Working at great depths requires long decompression times - or inflexible armoured diving suits. A new system provides new mobility under water.

The US Navy is currently trialling a newly designed deep diving suit, the "Deep Sea Expeditionary with No Decompression" system (Dsend). The atmospheric diving suit should enable the user to reach great diving depths relatively quickly, carry out longer missions and resurface without lengthy decompression. Compared to the armoured diving suits currently in use, the hardened but lightweight atmospheric diving suit, which is equipped with rotating, removable joints, should also help the diver to achieve greater mobility, dexterity and flexibility under water.

16 Jan 2024

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