Guests at the lecture by Peter Tschentscher, Photos: Bw/Marcus Mohr

Guests at the lecture by Peter Tschentscher, Photos: Bw/Marcus Mohr

Responsibility for Germany's maritime security

At the parliamentary evening in Berlin, the participants discussed the legal and organisational problems of maritime security.

"Our maritime infrastructure is the lifeline for the economy and society in our country. How can these lifelines be protected and who reacts when danger threatens or needs to be combated?" This was the key question posed by Siemtje Möller, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, at the "Maritime Security" parliamentary evening she hosted at the Hamburg State Representation in Berlin.

In their introductory speeches, Peter Tschentscher, Hamburg's First Mayor, and Jens Plötner, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Scholz, emphasised the central importance of the sea and maritime security for Germany's prosperity, sovereignty and strategic ability to act.

28 Nov 2023

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