Missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" (Northern Fleet) of the Slava class. Photo: Michael Nitz

Missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" (Northern Fleet) of the Slava class. Photo: Michael Nitz

Russian navy off the English coast.

A Russian convoy consisting of the cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" (Slava class, project 1164, sister ship of the "Moskva"), the destroyer "Vice Admiral Kulakov" (type ship of the Udaloy class, project 1155) and the tanker "Vyazma" (Kaliningradneft class) is reportedly on a transfer from the Mediterranean back to the Northern Fleet and its home ports on the Barents Sea. The convoy, which also includes the Frigate "Admiral Kasatonov" (Gorshkov class, project 22350) had moved southwards past Ireland to the vicinity of the feared war region in January before the start of the Ukraine war and had stayed in the Mediterranean after the Bosporus was closed - and must now probably return to the stable! However, this was probably not to be done without a side blow in the direction of Great Britain: After passing the Bay of Biscay, the convoy set a course through the Celtic Sea and on towards the Irish Sea - past Dublin and then the Firth of Clyde, the hiding place of the British nuclear submarines. Shortly before it was due to arrive, the convoy is said to have turned south-west again and passed Ireland on the outside.

"Vizeadmiral Kulakov", Russian Udaloy-class submarine destroyer. Photo: German Navy

A rogue who thinks evil of it

British media are making a connection between the Russian manoeuvre and the Royal Navy's delivery of six underwater minehunting drones to Ukraine. Ukrainian marines were previously trained on the devices in the UK, which now enables them to target Russian mines in the sea area off Odessa and clear the way for further food exports through the Black Sea. Three of the drones come from Royal Navy stocks, while the other three were taken directly from industrial production.

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