The tender A 516 Donau from the 1st Corvette Squadron of the Operational Flotilla 1 sails in the sea area off Warnemünde, 25 June 2020.

The tender A 516 Donau from the 1st Corvette Squadron of the Operational Flotilla 1 sails in the sea area off Warnemünde, 25 June 2020.

Tender Danube in Wismar

24 Mar 2025 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 0 Kommentare

Open Ship at the weekend!

The tender "Donau" visited Wismar last weekend. On Friday, the supply ship moored in the Hanseatic city next to the cruise terminal. The grey ship was open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm. Everyone was cordially invited and the weather was perfect, making it a popular excursion destination.

The "Donau" is currently underway in the Baltic Sea for operational training, also known as ISEX. The commander, Corvette Captain Stefan Huber, was very pleased: "My crew and I are delighted to have the opportunity to visit this truly beautiful Hanseatic city again after our last visit in 2023. We want to return the favour for the hospitality we received back then with an open ship this time." There was ample opportunity to take tours of the boat. The crew answered questions about life on a German Navy unit. Two career counsellors from the German Armed Forces were also on hand to answer any serious questions about working in a sea-going unit. Their success should be just as important to the commander as a successful ISEX.

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