The 2nd Frigate Squadron has a new commander

The 2nd Frigate Squadron has a new commander

The 2nd Frigate Squadron has a new commander

Jan Hackstein, Sven Beck and Olliver Pfennig

A lot going on in the EF at the moment 2....

The Chief of Staff of Operational Flotilla 2, Captain Sven Beck, today handed over command of the 2nd Frigate Squadron from Captain Olliver Pfennig to Frigate Captain Jan Hackstein. The ceremony took place in front of the frigate "Hessen" at the Heppenser Groden naval base in Wilhelmshaven. "It was both a great pleasure and an honour for me to have been the commander of what is currently the Bundeswehr's most important task force," sums up Kapitän zur See Pfennig. "The men and women of the 2nd Frigate Squadron perform outstanding work 365 days a year, around the clock, in missions and mission-equivalent obligations in the Red Sea, the Mediterranean and NATO's northern flank in order to make an essential contribution to fulfilling the Bundeswehr's mission in the context of international crisis management and deterrence with the necessary capabilities for national and alliance defence. The task and what I have achieved fills me with great pride," summarised the outgoing commander. He only took over command last year. He is now moving to the Naval Academy in Rhode Island in the USA. His successor, Frigate Captain Hackstein, is based in the 2nd Frigate Squadron. He was first officer of the frigate "Bayern" and commanded the "red eagle", the frigate "Brandenburg", from 2018 to 2021. "I am delighted to be returning to the 2nd Frigate Squadron as Commander," says Frigate Captain Jan Hackstein. And there was a video - "X" greeting from the commander of Operational Flotilla 2, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz, who currently leads the Indo-Pacific Association of the German Navy.


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