GORCH FOCK and the frigate NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN met in the western Baltic Sea, photo: Marcel Kröncke

GORCH FOCK and the frigate NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN met in the western Baltic Sea, photo: Marcel Kröncke

Tradition meets innovation

GORCH FOCK and the frigate NORDRHEIN WESTFALEN met in the western Baltic Sea. One of the oldest ships in the German Navy meets the newest unit.

This is the encounter of the young officer candidates with their future job, at least for the future seafarers. First of all, they have to learn the craft in basic maritime training, without which even the most modern units with the latest technology and innovative weaponry would never sail: Seamanship, team spirit, discipline, strength of character, humility and enthusiasm!

Photos: Marcel Kröncke

You can read here why almost all of the world's large and modern navies have decided to use a sail training ship for training: Sail training ships - so old and so modern

15 Aug 2022 | 1 comment


1 Comment

  1. But the Gorch-Fock must have taken quite a beating during the North Rhine-Westphalia trip 🙂


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