Photo: HHM/Dieter Hasenpusch

Photo: HHM/Dieter Hasenpusch

Salvage unsuccessful: Grosse accident declared Ever Forward

Salvage companies start unloading freight containers

Evergreen Marine, the owner of the stranded Ever Forward, has declared a general average after unsuccessful attempts to refloat the vessel in the Chesapeake Bay. In a statement, Evergreen said that in light of the rising costs associated with continued attempts to refloat the vessel, towing has been abandoned.

General average is a principle of maritime law which states that shipowners and cargo interests contribute proportionately to the costs associated with the salvage of a ship following a serious accident. When a general average is declared, cargo owners must pay into a general average fund before their cargo can be released. Evergreen also declared general average after the Ever Given ran aground in the Suez Canal. The Ever Forward ran aground outside the Craighill shipping channel in the Chesapeake Bay on 13 March as it left the port of Baltimore with a pilot on board. According to AIS, the vessel was travelling at about 13 knots when it left the dredged channel and came to rest in about 25 feet of water. The draught was given as 13 metres (42.6 feet).

Two excavators are being used to remove sediment from the area around the ship. So far, no work has been carried out to remove fuel, gas or ballast water from the ship. The cause of the accident is still under investigation. So far, no pollution or injuries have been reported and the hull of the vessel remains stable.

 Source: gcaptain / WP

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