At the DMI's general meeting on 19 April 2024 in Wilhelmshaven, the board was newly elected. Flotilla Admiral Christian Bock was replaced as Chairman by Flotilla Admiral Sascha Helge Rackwitz.
Christian Bock has led the DMI since 2018. During his six-year term of office, the website was redesigned on his initiative. and went online on 01.01.2021. In a very short space of time into a successful platform. The portal now achieves an enormous reach of up to 60,000 hits per month, and with three quarters of a million hits in 2023, the portal made a significant contribution to shaping maritime opinion in Germany. The users from business, politics and the navy are part of the large maritime network that Christian Bock has expanded. Flotilla Admiral Bock has made a valuable contribution to the further development of important dialogue formats, both in Berlin and on the coast. He brought people and institutions closer together and invested a great deal of personal energy and time in the process. Bringing the maritime aspects of German politics and Germany's maritime dependence closer to the political leaders and the German population was a matter close to his heart - and will continue to be, as he announced in his closing speech.
Flotilla Admiral Sascha Helge Rackwitz is the commander of Flotilla 1 in Kiel. He has taken on the role of Chairman with great pleasure and respect.
... things seem to be moving forward.