Crew on the Stelling

Crew on the Stelling

City and ship: Mobile

Another ship has been added to the US Navy's fleet list. On 22 May, the newest Littoral Combat Ship, the USS Mobile (LCS 26), was put into service. She is the fifth Navy ship to bear the name of the port city in the state of Alabama. Her new home will be the USS Mobile in San Diego, California. Coincidence or intentional? The ship was built at Austal USA, a shipyard in ... Mobile. Due to the coronavirus, the ceremony took place in a "small circle". Which in the Navy means 400 (sic!) invited guests.
The 13th ship of the Independence-The new fifth class is being commissioned at a time when the first two units (and possibly two more) are already being decommissioned by the Navy after eleven and seven years in the fleet respectively. The reason for this is the existing defects in the new design at the time, which were only rectified with the fifth unit.

USS Mobile

USS Mobile

The US Navy operates two types of Littoral Combat Ships. More striking is the Independence-class, which is designed as a trimaran. Designed for use in coastal waters, the ships are fast and manoeuvrable. However, they are regularly criticised due to their light armament. With a length of 127 metres, they displace 2300 tonnes, reach a top speed of 44 knots and have a range of 4300 nautical miles. In addition to a 57-millimetre cannon and other smaller guns, there are only eight Naval Strike Missiles on board. There is also an MH-60 Seahawk helicopter. Interchangeable mission modules can be taken on board for various missions. There is a choice of Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Countermeasures, Surface Warfare and Special Warfare.

Text: mb; Photos: US Navy

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