As is well known, the cent is the smallest currency unit in monetary circulation in the USA (as is now also the case in Europe). There, however, it is colloquially referred to as a penny, just as the English, the originators of the term on the other side of the English Channel, still do today in the unbroken tradition of their coinage system. For such a penny, which has borne the likeness of Abraham Lincoln on one side for 112 years, you could buy one of the two Aircraft carrier USS KITTY HAWK or USS JOHN F. KENNEDY and purchase them from the US Naval Sea Systems Command (the US Navy's material agency). Although the two Aircraft carrier is already quite old at over 60 years old, but there is still plenty of metal in it. And these "recyclable materials" even make towing the KITTY HAWK from Bremerton in the far north-west of the USA around Cape Horn to Brownsville lucrative for International Shipbreaking Limited, a Texan scrapping company in the immediate vicinity of the Mexican border. By way of compensation, the transit of the KENNEDY from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard around Florida is much easier. There is not yet a timetable for the recycling project of the somewhat larger kind, but the conclusion of the contract requires that both historic ships are immediately removed from the US Navy's reserve list. This process also ends all attempts by veterans associations to preserve at least one of the eight FORRESTAL- and KITTY HAWK-class units, the first to be equipped with an angled flight deck. Aircraft carriers - and the last of the US Navy's eight-boiler steam-powered colossi.
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