Tugboat completes autonomous journey through Denmark. Photo: Sea Machines Robotics

Tugboat completes autonomous journey through Denmark. Photo: Sea Machines Robotics

Autonomously circumnavigating Denmark

Boston-based Sea Machines Robotics announced today that it has completed the world's first autonomous and remote-controlled voyage of a seagoing vehicle over more than 1,000 nautical miles. Under the project name "The Machine Odyssey", the company's autonomous tug Nellie Bly completed a circumnavigation of Denmark. It only needed 129 operating hours over 13 days. The voyage was guided by the US Coast Guard. Remote-controlled autonomous ships offer the maritime industry new impetus for competitiveness. This is why CEO Michael Johnson was so enthusiastic: "The Machine Odyssey signals the beginning of a new human-technology relationship that will drive maritime operations in the 21st century. Autonomy is catching on faster on the waterways than in road transport."

The Nellie Bly is equipped with the Sea Machines SM300, a first of its kind AI-enabled long-range computer vision system with a sensor propeller system. Travelling at an average speed of 7.9 knots throughout the voyage, 96.9% of the 1,027-mile journey was completed under fully autonomous control. Thirty-one collision avoidance and evasive manoeuvres were performed. The company did not disclose why Denmark, of all countries, was chosen.

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