Improving the safety level of the Northeast Passage and the Arctic regions in general

Improving the safety level of the Northeast Passage and the Arctic regions in general

Russia: Observation system for the safety of the Northeast Passage?

Russia is currently developing a monitoring system for the Arctic coastal zone of the Federation. This system is intended to ensure the safety of shipping traffic in the North-East Passage. The "Tactical Missile Weapons Group" (Takticheskoe Raketnoe Wooruschenie) is responsible for its development.

According to a representative of the group, the system is currently in the concept phase. The aim of the work is to create a single information space in the entire Russian Arctic along the Northern Sea Route. To this end, a network of remote-controlled observation centres is being set up, whose data and information will provide a comprehensive picture of the situation.

The radar stations make it possible to monitor the sea surface over distances of 50 to 200 kilometres. This radar data is not only used by the Ministry of Defence and the Russian Navy, but also by the Border Guard Service and the Ministry for Emergency Situations (civil protection). They are intended to ensure the safety of sea routes, coordinate the deployment of icebreakers and support the management of convoys. The entire observation system is also intended to prevent unauthorised navigation on the North Sea routes.

The individual stations are to receive an autonomous power supply via diesel and wind turbines. In addition, drones will be used to measure the thickness of the ice. The network will also support the necessary communication with the vehicles in the area. It was emphasised that the construction of the new observation stations will also take environmental aspects into account and will not disturb the natural habitat of wild animals.

The monitoring system will definitely be the Safety level of the Northeast Passage and the Arctic regions in general improve. At the same time, however, it will strengthen Russia's position of influence in the Arctic and allow Moscow to strictly control access to disputed areas. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the importance of the Arctic in Russian policy, the possibility of establishing an Arctic fleet is being informally considered in the navy. Although this new fleet would initially divert resources from the Russian Northern and Pacific fleets, in the long term it could be equipped with ships and specialised equipment that would be optimally adapted to Arctic conditions.

Author: Grzegorz Kolański

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