Category: Headlines

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Russische Schiffe dürfen aufgrund der Sanktionen nirgendwo in Europa anlegen. Wenn allerdings ein russischer Öltanker wie die „Sunny Liger“ unter der Flagge der Marshall-Inseln fährt, ist es von den Sanktionen eigentlich ausgenommen. Von der zügigen Ausflaggung haben wir berichtet. Das führt bereits zu einigen Odysseen. Erst verweigerte Schweden das Löschen der Ladung, dann weigerten sich die Hafenarbeiter in Amsterdam, so teilte Euractiv mit. "Wir unterstützen die Hafenangestellten", sagte ein Sprecher von Bürgermeisterin Femke Halsema, berichtet NOS. Die Stadt Amsterdam ist Anteilseigner des Hafens. Die Gewerkschaft FNV Havens setzt sich ebenfalls dafür ein, dass die Gemeinde dem Tanker die Einfahrt...


Russia's Sovcomflot plans to sell part of its fleet

Western sanctions take effect Reuters reported that the leading Russian shipping company Sovcomflot intends to sell part of its fleet, as it announced on Friday. The company is struggling with Western sanctions and is now trying to repay outstanding loans. Sovcomflot is facing growing difficulties in concluding charter contracts as ports, end customers, marine insurers and other freight companies are pulling out of the Russian business due to the sanctions imposed in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The shipping newspaper Lloyds List reported, citing unnamed sources, that up to a third of Sovcomflot's own fleet is up for sale as the company has been forced to...


The desperation of the oligarchs

Expensive and long escapes Before the $325 million mega yacht "Amadea" became embroiled in a legal dispute in the South Pacific, the luxury vessel, owned by billionaire Suleiman Kerimov according to the US government, was on an 18-day voyage from the Caribbean to Fiji that likely resulted in a fuel bill of more than $500,000. There is speculation that the superyacht was en route to the Russian port of Vladivostok before the authorities in Fiji seized it at the request of US authorities. Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February sparked a series of financial sanctions in Washington D.C. and its allies that have hit hundreds of...


Now official: Ukrainian harbours formally closed

Ukraine has officially closed its four ports on the Black and Azov Seas that were captured by Russian forces, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture announced on Monday. The ports of Mariupol, Berdiansk and Skadovsk on the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea port of Kherson have been closed "until control is restored", the ministry explained. The reason for this is that it is impossible to handle ships and passengers, carry out chartering and transport and ensure the safety of shipping. All Ukrainian seaports have ceased operations as a result of the Russian invasion at the end of February. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Monday that Ukraine was unable to operate due to the Russian...


International programmes for corvettes and frigates

The world's corvette and frigate fleets attract considerable operational and market interest. This emphasises the importance that will be attached to them in the future. Corvettes and frigates remain at the centre of planning and investment for several reasons. Firstly, the two ship classes are among the most numerous types of multi-purpose surface combatants. Unlike patrol vessels, combat boats, speedboats and other types of ships that have been specifically optimised for one mission, corvettes and frigates are generally designed to carry out missions in several maritime operational areas. In particular, this includes combating surface, air and FK attacks as well as submarine hunting. Secondly...
